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2025 Presenters


Rob Gauthier


Rob Gauthier is one of the most respected trance channelers in the world. For more than a decade, he has helped thousands of individuals receive clarity on their life path and mission. Rob primarily works with three main guides - Aridif, Treb Bor Yit-Ne, and Metatron - but has channeled hundreds of ET consciousnesses.

Darryl Anka


For over 35 years, individuals from all over the globe have made the journey to experience renown channel Darryl Anka as he brings through the remarkable non-physical being from the future known as Bashar. Along with Edgar Cayce, Seth, and Abraham-Hicks, the Bashar material has been heralded as some of the most relevant, compelling and dynamic information delivered to the planet to date.


Wendy Kennedy


Wendy Kennedy is a prominent channel and spiritual teacher. She has used her gifts and abilities to communicate with higher dimensional beings for the past 29 years, assisting others in recognizing and releasing their patterns and limiting beliefs to create the foundation for a life filled with greater health, abundance, love, and joy.
She lectures and channels for clients around the world. She was one of the six channels featured in the movie and book, Tuning in: Spirit Channelers in America. She is a featured guest in the docu-series Interview with Extra Dimensionals currently seen on Gaia TV. Her work can also be found in the book, The Great Human Potential: Walking in One's Own Light, which is now available in seven languages.

Lyssa Royal Holt


Lyssa Royal Holt has been a seminar leader, trance channel, and author since 1985. Lyssa is most known for her channel training courses and her in depth explorations of the nature of extraterrestrial consciousness and how it impacts human evolution. Her books, including The Golden Lake, The Prism of Lyra, and Preparing for Contact are considered classics in the field of channeled literature along with her Galactic Heritage Cards. She has worked extensively in Japan since 1990 and has presented events in over 20 countries. 


Jamye Price


Jamye Price, author of Opening to Light Language and the Cosmic Consciousness Ascension Deck, is an energy healer, channel, and teacher. She developed a profound healing modality, Crystalline Soul Healing, with her Lyran Guides. Jamye also channels Light Language, as well as messages to support humanity’s Ascension from Areon, the Lyran Council of Time.

Kalina Angell


Kalina Angell is a Conscious Channel who channels The 103 Arcturian Collective, Alpha Draconian known as Moraegiam, and Taisikinindi who is a native Earth reptilian. Together these beings weave the perceptions of dark and light wisdom pathways to help heal and dispel fear while re-surfacing one’s unconditional love from Source.

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Daniel Scranton


Daniel Scranton is a channeler & sound healer. He's been channeling since 2010 and channels archangels, ascended masters & ETs. Daniel also channels light languages & overtones. He does private sessions, group events, and teaches a variety of classes & courses His daily channeled messages

Shaun Swanson


Shaun Swanson is a travel guide for tours in the heart wisdom universe. He channel Sounds of Light, Group of Friends, and Ishuwa of the Yahyel human ET civilization. Shaun helps people follow their heart wisdom so they can live their most enjoyable and fulfilling life every day.


Neil Gaur


Neil Gaur is the Founder of Portal to Ascension, a conscious event production company created in 2008 that hosts a wide range of presenters on a variety of topics such as the origins of humanity, the existence of Extraterrestrial life, exposing hidden truths and exploring the nature of reality. He travels the world facilitating gatherings that are intended to empower the individual to reclaim their sovereignty and awaken to their full potential. Neil hosts, creates and facilitates about 70 conferences, workshops & retreats a year. At this point Portal to Ascension has worked with over 3000 researchers, spiritualists, scientists, consciousness explorers and more. 

Tyler Ellison


Tyler Ellison is a channeler and acupuncturist. Tyler channels for the Extraterrestrial entity RyoKah from the SassanI civilization 


Jim Charles


James E Charles is an international Channeler. He started channeling in May 2013. Jim is also a Usui Reiki Master and Galactic Energy Healing creator/teacher. Jim channels live on public webinars bi-weekly on YouTube on the HucoloTV/channeling channel. The webinars are open to the public for the purpose of sharing knowledge, bringing about Disclosure/Open Contact and Ascension. Jim’s main entity that he channels is Elijah (Old Testament prophet).

Toni Ghazi


 Toni Ghazi, also known as ‘The Antarean-Heart,’ is a Channel, Spiritual Guide, Executive/Business Coach working through the Praying- Mantis Beings, and specifically the Antares-Stargate to bring through Inter-Dimensional and Extraterrestrial Beings with messages of UN-conditional LOVE to help guide Humanity back to its TRUE-SELF by ACTIVATING a remembrance of the MAGIC, MIRACLES, MAGNIFICENCE, HEALING and INFINITE POSSIBILITIES that already resides within all of us. 


Flo Karuna

Galactic Oracle

Flo Karuna is a planetary guardian and visionary creator who has dedicated his life to spiritual awakening and the empowerment of others.As a messenger for the Great Spirit and a devoted servant of Mother Earth, he has travelled the world engaging in grid work, planetary service and working with ancient sites, honoring the ancestors before him from the earthly and universal perspective.

His natural ability to be plugged into the Akash has led to his creations such as the Pleiadian Oracle Deck, Lyran Oracle Deck, and Masters of Light Board-game, The Arcturian Oracle as well as the Upcoming Book Mermaids of Atlantis.
Flo is also the founder of, an organization that has grown to a community of over 113k starseeds and dedicated to empowering and bringing forth Galactic Knowledge into the collective. 

Eluña Noelle

Akashic Channeler and Psycho-Spiritual Healer and Teacher

Eluña is a student of the Universe, an Akashic channeler, and a psycho-spiritual healer. She is devoted to the esoteric teachings of the ancient mystery schools, walking and guiding as an initiate and conduit of the Divine. Eluña receives information visually, auditorily, energetically, and somatically when accessing higher realms. This allows for highly accurate readings to occur, and for several different beings to speak through her. Some of the beings she channels are Pleiadian Priestesses, the Arcturian Council, and a group who call themselves the Three Guides, Hermetic scholars from Atlantis and contemporaries of Thoth.


Debbi Dachinger


Debbi Dachinger is a journalist for extraterrestrial and shamanic information. She bridges the ancient and the extraordinary, where shamanic practices and extraterrestrial encounters intersect. Debbi has hosted an award-winning podcast for 17 years, speaks on stages worldwide, and is a certified Shamanic Energy Healer who runs programs facilitating powerful group healing experiences. She has experienced UFOs and extraterrestrials, and is a voice to usher humanity in to the benevolent galactic community.

Aurora Luna Star

Inter-dimensional Channel

Aurora Luna Star is an Inter-dimensional Channel specializing in Starseed Akashic Readings, Sound Activations and Personal Empowerment. Through her channel, Aurora connects with Aum Ra Ha Nu, an Inter-dimensional Collective, accessing light codes via sound healing, channeled messages, images and light language. Her purpose is to guide you towards embracing your fullest potential, acting as a catalyst for your personal growth and transformation. Aurora’s greatest joy is empowering each person to realize their unlimited nature and see themselves for the master beings that they already are.


Suzanne Ross

Author and Spiritual Counselor

Suzanne Ross has dedicated her life to the awakening and ascension of humanity through her books, events, services and conscious media network. She is the author of the Up! Trilogy, producer of the annual Sedona Ascension Retreat, an intuitive guide and spiritual counselor as well as the Executive Producer of SciSpi.TV.

Website by John Kreick & Jason Carpenter 

Hosted by Kalina Angell & Rob Gauthier  

© 2024 The Channel Panel

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